Elgin is located in the heart of Santa Cruz county near US Highways 82 and 83 Southeast of Tucson, Arizona. The settlement of Elgin was founded when the Santa Fe Railroad built an 88-mile-long line that ran the full length of Sonoita Creek, from Benson to Nogales, in 1882.
The Elgin area is surrounded by rolling, grass-covered hills and enjoy wonderful blue skies and wide-open spaces. There are about 400 folks living in the Elgin area. The 4,970 foot elevation, high-rolling grasslands, surrounded by spectacular mountains and canyons, provide some of Arizona’s most beautiful weather and landscapes. Mt Wrightson, one of the tallest peaks in Arizona, dominates the horizon. Elgin is high desert country with dry, sunny and warm climate. The temperatures are 10-15 degrees cooler than Tucson. The wonderful climate encourages outdoor activities year-round.
The train station sequence in the 1955 film classic Oklahoma!, with Gene Nelson singing and dancing the song “Kansas City” partly atop a moving train, was filmed in Elgin.
The town of Elgin, part of Arizona’s Wine Country, is home to several wineries that offer some of the best wines found outside of France. These vineyards represent a rapidly growing industry, which began some four decades ago in the Sonoita Valley. Each vineyard produces unique vintages which reflect the personalities and attitudes of their owners, from colorful picnic-style wines to serious award-winning varietals.
You can read more about our wonderful Elgin area on the Sonoita-Elgin Chamber of Commerce website.